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Photos from the Area 2 meeting


2338  Attendance at the Area II meeting was good with 60 participants at the meeting that was held in Wibaux MT

img_23422342  Retiring supervisor and treasurer Wayne Mangold from Little Beaver Conservation District and Emcee for the meeting, Bob Petermann from Wibaux Conservation District

img_23632363  Administrators from Area II:  from Left to right, Stephanie Carroll, Carter County CD; Sarafina Claeys, Little Beaver Conservation District;  Sandra Brown, Prairie County CD;  Julie Goss,  Richland County CD; Nikki Wesolek, Dawson County CD; Carol Watts, Custer Co CD; Liz Riter, Powder River CD; Renee Nelson, Wibaux CD.


Kate is the Communications and Technology Manager for Soil & Water Conservation Districts of Montana. She manages the website, puts out The Montana Conservationist every other week, and assists conservation districts with technology, websites, and communications.

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