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14 CDs on Facebook

At the Statewide Administrator’s Training this month, we had a great discussion about social media and how to use it to better reach people in your area. Social Media is great for keeping your organization in people’s minds, which is important when they’re, you know, thinking about digging up a stream or maybe implementing some cover crops. Your job is to help them, so make sure that you’re the first place they think to go!

One of the most important things you can do to increase your visibility in people’s feeds is to increase interaction on your posts. That means that the more likes, comments, and shares each post has, the more likely it is that Facebook’s algorithm will put that post AND FUTURE POSTS in someone’s feed. One way to work in this system is by recruiting your friends to engage with your posts. And what better friends does your district have than other districts?

So here is a list of the Conservation Districts that I could find with Facebook pages. If you know of others, please let me know!

And some bigger organizations with Facebooks:

If you really want to drive engagement to a specific post, message these people and ask them to comment on it or share it. Sometimes just putting it up and hoping they see it isn’t enough.

And here are some blog posts with useful tips on other ways to increase engagement:

(Are you getting the hint from these experts that blog posts with a list are good content engagement generators?)

Once again, if anyone has any additions to this list, please comment or email me!

Update 7/3: I added Liberty County CD, Judith Basin CD, and Little Beaver CD to this list. Little Beaver CD has been doing a “native grass of the week” post on their Facebook, and that is quite interesting and useful content that would be perfect for sharing.

Bobbi Vanattan also added:  I would also encourage local CD’s to search out their local gov offices, and organizations, sheriffs, fire crews etc, and see if they have Facebook. Although I am following all of these on my personal Facebook, I get a lot of great information that I wouldn’t normally find without going out and look for it.

Update 7/5: I added McCone CD, Upper Musselshell CD, Phillips CD, and Wibaux CD. I am glad I made this list, if only so that you all could catch the ones I didn’t know about!

Update 7/11: Carter CD added.

Kate is the Communications and Technology Manager for Soil & Water Conservation Districts of Montana. She manages the website, puts out The Montana Conservationist every other week, and assists conservation districts with technology, websites, and communications.

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