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MACDEO Spring Meeting 6/15/16 Helena

The MACDEO is planning our spring(summer)board meeting in Helena next week on Wednesday June 15th and we would like to invite you all to attend, in person or via conference! All Officers will have travel and board paid, and area reps will receive travel reimbursement for attending. We have also made the meeting available through phone conference, to encourage as many administrators as we can to attend the meeting.

We initially planned the meeting for 1pm at the Montana DNRC building, however that is not going to work as planned. We have changed the meeting to the Montana Historical Society from 11-1 as a working lunch. We have asked MACD to include us in their partner meeting at 1pm at the capitol and there will be someone to represent the EO at most of the MACD Spring meetings throughout the 3 days.

Attached please find the agenda for the EO meeting, call in information, and the minutes from the March quarterly conference call meeting and the June 7th conference call.

The Administrator of the Year & Supervisor of the Year information is also attached along with a form for every administrator in the state to fill out and return to Carie Hess, for an Administrator recognition project for the convention in Sidney, I am assuming it should include all conservation district employees as some cd’s have more than one employee.

If you are not able to attend the meeting in either aspect and you have information to share please send your cd report to your area representative or myself. It’s a great time so brag yourself up, share upcoming events, and get the word out about your cd. If you have any thoughts, comments, concerns, or questions that you would like addressed please get ahold of your area representative or myself.

Bobbi L Vannattan
MACDEO President6-15-16 EO Spring Meeting

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